Our Recreation Center is located within Ramona Oaks Park and provides a family-friendly experience. Our staff, along with independent instructors, offers a wide range of activities for all ages. There are after-school programs, day camps, weekly summer ImagiCamps, preschool classes and school vacation activities. You’ll find various fitness and relaxation options, aquatic classes, and a variety of community-centered events.
Recreational activities are in several areas within our San Diego Country Estates community:
We have information and resources covering the many activities offered within our community and a place where you can sign up for events or share your ideas.
Recreation Disclaimer:
Recreational amenities are open to homeowners, and San Vicente Resort Inn guests along with their family and friends.
The Rotunda is available to rent for small, adult-only parties. Guests are not allowed to tour the Equestrian boarding areas or interact with horses.
Only select amenities and events are open to the public.