Nominations are now open for three positions on the SDCEA Board of Directors, with candidates required to submit their applications by January 7, 2025, ahead of the election on April 19, 2025.
SDCE Association is accepting nominations, along with résumés and a 300-word statement, for the upcoming Board of Directors election in April 2025. Three positions will be open – one (1) for a one-year term, one (1) for a two-year term, and one (1) for a three-year term.
Candidates wishing to have their names listed on the Association's official ballot must submit a letter of nomination, a one-page résumé, and a 300-word statement by the deadline date of Tuesday, January 7, 2025, no later than 3 pm, to the Administration Office. The Nominating Committee may also solicit qualified candidates.
Any member interested in serving on the SDCEA Board or who has questions can call the Administration Office at 760-789-3788, ext. 5000, during business hours, 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, or can email
Note that the candidate, not the Association, is responsible for the content of the 300-word statement that will serve as your candidate statement mailed to all members. The SDCEA Board of Directors election will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2025.
If the number of qualified candidates is equal to or less than the positions to be filled, then the Board may vote to seat candidates without a membership vote. Should this occur, there will not be an opportunity for write-in candidates and/or nominations from the floor at the annual meeting.
Qualification of Candidates: Candidates for the Board must be Members at the time of their nomination and (i) must meet any other qualifications or restrictions set forth in the Election Rules and (ii) must meet any other qualifications or restrictions set forth in the Bylaws so long as they do not conflict with these Election Rules. In the case of a Member that is not a natural person (such as a corporation or other entity), the entity Member shall have the power to appoint a natural person as the "Member" for purposes of director elections. The Association shall disqualify a nominee for the Board for any of the following reasons:
1. The nominee is not a member.
2. If the nominee, if elected, would be serving on the Board at the same time as another owner of the same separate interest (home) and the other person is either properly nominated for the current election or is an incumbent director.
3. If the nominee, at the time of nomination, is delinquent in the payment of regular and/or special assessments. A nominee shall not be considered "delinquent" if the delinquency relates to the payment of fines, fines renamed as assessments, collection charges, late charges, or costs levied by a third party and/or if the nominee: (a) has paid the regular or special assessment under protest; (b) has entered into a payment plan for repayment of the delinquent assessments and is not delinquent in payments due under the plan; or (c) the nominee has requested and has not been provided an opportunity to engage in internal dispute resolution.
4. If the nominee has been a member of the Association for less than one year.
5. If the nominee is not at least 18 years old.
6. If the nominee discloses, or if the Association is aware or becomes aware of, a past criminal conviction that would, if the Member was elected, either prevent the Association from purchasing the fidelity bond coverage required by Civil Code section 5806 or terminate the Association's existing fidelity bond coverage.