Rolf and Gwen Hernandez have lived in their beautiful home on Del Amo Road since 1988, and Rolf says this isn’t the first time they’ve been awarded Home of the Month. “We got home of the month 33 years ago in May of 1992.” Rolf said his mother, who lived off Arena, also received home of the month at one point.
With the cost of water usage increasing, one of the main projects Rolf and his family took on was putting in artificial grass. But beyond that, what’s really eye-catching are their roses. “In about two weeks, the roses are going to be fabulous. We get a lot of compliments once the roses bloom.” And it’s no wonder they do. With roughly ten different rose bushes, the colors range from candy cane and lemon to purple and orange.
Another improvement the Hernandez family made was removing the previous wooden fence and replacing it mostly with concrete blocks and stucco alongside some vinyl fencing, which wasn’t easy to find nearly 33 years ago. “We must have been the first ones to put in vinyl fencing in the whole county. We had to go to Yorba Linda, and they told us about a place opening in San Marcos where we could order vinyl fencing from New York.”
The street and Hernandez home have changed quite a bit since 1988, but the beauty remains. Congratulations to Rolf and Gwen Hernandez on another Home of the Month award!