The San Diego Country Estates Association takes pride in the dedication, hard work, and commitment of our team members. This quarter, we are excited to honor Laura Miller as our Volunteer of the Quarter.
Laura Miller joined The Community Relations Committee (CRC) in March 2022. The CRC conducts hearings for members as requested by the Association’s governing documents and California Civil Code. She joined the Environmental Control Committee (ECC) in March 2024. The ECC members consider and act upon any and all proposals or plans submitted by Homeowners to ensure that any improvements constructed on properties by anyone conform to plans approved by the ECC.
On the CRC, Miller is part of a 5-member committee that meets monthly with homeowners when a non-conformance has risen to the level of requiring a hearing. The committee makes every effort to work with homeowners to resolve conformance matters, though some issues require authorizing fines to gain conformance. Miller accepted the position of committee chair in November 2023.
On the ECC, Miller is part of a 3-member committee that meets twice a month to review applications for improvements on homeowners’ lots. The committee drives through the community to conduct progress inspections on existing applications and selects the Home of the Month.
Miller moved to Ramona from Colorado and has been a San Diego Country Estates homeowner for three years. She was a business owner in project engineering construction and is now retired. She also took classes in business and engineering and worked for Aerospace. She says it was a high-intensity job. She worked 12 hours a day, six days a week for 53 weeks. “Sitting and doing nothing is not in my bones,” she says. She likes to keep herself busy with the committees. She enjoys helping homeowners with issues they may be experiencing and makes sure to follow documents when reviewing requests for revisions to properties and homes. “We want to help to follow documents as close as we can,” says Miller.
According to her lead, Josh Jones, Assistant General Manager of the San Diego Country Estates Association, Miller brings a wealth of experience to both her committees with a background in construction project management and a positive demeanor with fellow homeowners. She is genuinely interested in helping others and promoting SDCEA as a friendly place to live.