Emma Moralez has lived in her SDCE home for 30 years. But you wouldn’t guess it from the beautifully sculpted landscaping adding a modern touch to this original Del Amo residence. Formerly residing in the Lake Murray area, the San Diego native says she and her late husband bought the lot and built the house. “It’s very comfortable here. I like the area, and I like my house.”
Emma says they were awarded Home of the Month the first year they lived here, which seems to occur often with homeowners who have been in San Diego Country Estates from the beginning. And though many neighbors have come and gone, she says many remaining original owners are great at keeping up with their homes. “Which is nice to see. I know I take pride in my home.”
Emma not only loves and takes pride in her home but also does a bit of gardening herself, alongside having a professional landscaper help out, which she says enhanced a lot of it. The effort is evident in the clean look and fine detail put into the yard. Congratulations to Emma Moralez for her second Home of the Month nomination!