At the Recreation Center, we are dedicated to helping children express their feelings in positive ways, such as through drawing journals and one-on-one walks, fostering an environment where they feel safe, loved, and heard.
In our programs here at the SDCEA Recreation Center, we've observed that some children are having difficulty expressing their feelings. We find that some children are showing that they are upset by pushing, hitting, or throwing things, or they may withdraw and refuse to talk. Recognizing that each child is unique, we're committed to finding what works best for each individual. Our ultimate goal is to create an environment where every child feels safe, loved, and heard.
Over time, we have found effective ways to help the children express their feelings in a new, positive way, and we would like to share two of them with you:
I like to tell the children that no child is bad, but sometimes, we can make bad choices. I also remind them that no one is perfect and even adults make mistakes!