With the arrival of Spring, people are eager to get outdoors after many rainy weeks. The Ramona Garden Club has just the thing to shake off the rainy winter blues. On Saturday, May 4, they will be hosting their biggest fundraiser of the year. Ramona Garden Club President and San Diego Country Estates member Linda Mulik is excited to get the word out. “On May 4, there will be a self-guided Garden Tour to four beautiful Ramona gardens and a Plant and Craft Fair." The self-guided tour is from 10 am to 3 pm, with three of the four homes right here in San Diego Country Estates. The Plant and Craft Fair will be held at Ramona Oaks Park from 10 am to 2 pm. The Ramona Garden Club uses the funds raised at these events for scholarships for Ramona graduates. “We give out two $1000 scholarships each year and are hoping to increase them to $1500.”
Linda has shared the theme for the club this year is “Growing Roots to Enrich our Community.” We grow roots in our community with each scholarship and grant we give, each garden we tend, and every meeting or event we conduct . . . roots that grow to enrich our little town of Ramona.
Tickets for the Garden Tour are $25 and available for purchase on the Ramona Garden Club website (link above), Main Street Coffee in downtown Ramona, or at Hummingbird Coffee Hut, located conveniently in the states in the strip mall.
There will be an extensive number of plants for sale at the fair. “We are really emphasizing veggies this year. We have a professional starting the plants for us and have between 300 to 400 plants in total.” In addition to vegetable plants, attendees can expect to find herbal plants, succulents, cacti, staghorn ferns, bulbs and cuttings, native plants, and perennials for sale. “We will have just about everything.” With the craft fair also happening alongside this event, and it being the weekend before Mother’s Day, this will be the perfect opportunity to do some shopping.
See more details in our event flyer.
The Ramona Garden Club has been operating for 21 years, has almost ninety members, holds monthly meetings, has guest speakers, and goes on field trips. A few members even work at the Chandler Herb Garden at the Safari Park twice a month. If you’d like to join in the fun and start your Spring with a fresh, new hobby, don’t hesitate to reach out to them on their website.
The Ramona Garden Club is also partnering with Serve Ramona and cosponsoring their Community Spring Cleanup this year. “Serve Ramona helps clean up Main Street and nearby areas and serves refreshments afterward.” Linda says the more people who come out, the better. Although this event is not exactly gardening, it is a way to bring more beauty to our town, which is what gardening is all about!